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July 19, 2012

TTT2 Console Version - new updates

EventhHubs has a new update post, that reveals a bit more about TTT2 on console, there are : updates, a bit of leaked, and balance. 

July 13, 2012

IDAS7AAX Update - 7 New Cars & 2 New Maps

Hello guys, it’s been awhile since I’ve been posting around, and today I bring you a quite great news for you, Initial D Players out there that have been wondering when will ID7 released and what will be inside. Actually, I’ve been making a new blog with my friends, and I will be updating all of the things I want you to know there. That means, I will update more on there than here.

July 12, 2012

TTT2 Item Moves Trailer

Some of this item moves are probably in the game (on all of it). But there could be some new item moves on the future just keep it up to date and check the link below for the trailer.

July 11, 2012

Expendables 2 The Game PSN Play Trailer

The epicness of The Expendables, has brought tons of fans asking for the sequel, The Expendables 2. And the producer make that dream come true. And with the release of Expendables 2, now they got The Game version trailer out for PSN Play. Well, the gameplay itself is similar to Marvel's Ultimate Alliance 2, the factor that makes it similar was their camera angle, also the way we play. It looks more similar to Ultimate Alliance 2 than other games. The release date is July 30th 2012.

July 10, 2012

Street Fighter X Tekken : DLC Characters + Updates - July 30th

The number of SFxTK players keep growing and keep growing over times. The excitement when playing this game is priceless. And Capcom, will continue updating it's own software the SFxTK into more delicated fighting game that every one of you should ever play.

E3 2012 : The Waking Epic and The Rising Hype

Another old post that I've posted on my personal blog ( ). Well, Enjoy.

Games on 2011 was not great enough to satisfy my kind of genre games. But now on E3 2012, we've been showed that there is still games that we've got to wait. Some games in 2011 are worth waiting for, but not over 50%. Of course, it was only in my vision. But that games have made me hyped more than anything else. But this year, they are making me more hyped than before, because there will be a LOT of epic games this year or soon forward.

Initial D Arcade Stage 7 AA X ( D7AAX )

Hachiroku. The first thing I came up with if you ask me about hachiroku is Initial D. Well, Initial D was well-known because of the famous Akina's Downhiller driving a Panda Hachiroku. Well this time I've some information from my personal blog ( ) about Initial D Arcade Stage 7 AA X.

Official TTT2 Artwork

On Tekken via Facebook there're tons of photos that are uploaded , that shown the new artworks for our new challengers such as Alex, Forest Law, P-Jack and Tiger Jackson. They're all got some really nice artworks there. And all of the arenas' artworks have been uploaded too.

July 09, 2012

Injustice Quick Gameplay on EVO 2012

"A new era in fighting games is coming. From the makers of Mortal Kombat"- Injustice

Looks like IGN has bring some big news from EVO 2012 yesterday, and brought the quick gameplay of Injustice: Gods Among Us for consoles nex year, 2013 from non other than Ed Boon.

BMW M6 vs BMW M5 : Power vs Weight

BMW M5, is famous for it's lightness and power, even a beginner could drive fast with this. But, this BMW M6 holds much more power than his older brother, the M5. For such a great power, the weight itself was sacrificed. And make it harder to turn in on a corner.